Wednesday 17 December 2008

I'm not talking to some bloody shrink.

You told me it was the anaesthetic. You told me it'd wear off - you told me the dreams would stop. The place is terrible. Hundreds of thousands of wounded. Civilians and military. They're in agony and no one cares - there're no hospitals, no medical staff, nothing. I asked to see the C. O. but Leyla says no one's in charge. How can that be? She's an eight year old child what does she know - and she's dead. I told her to get out of my head - to leave me alone. I told her I don't want to go back there. She keeps telling me I'm making myself go back. Shit, who'd want to make themselves go to that place? You'd have to be a sadist to want to go there. I need to sleep, but I can't - I can't close my eyes. If I do they take over - screaming - shrieking - the smell of decaying flesh everywhere. Shit, I feel so tired. I want to sleep.

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